Heads up bikers, walkers, amblers, joggers, and runners: the Central Park roadways are about to get a little makeover for you! The DOT, Parks Department and Central Park Conservatory announced last night that they'll be redesigning the roads to make more space for cyclists and pedestrian—by cutting down car lanes.
The redesign will double pedestrian walking space, separating a lane for pedestrians and child cyclists from a slow and fast lane for adult cyclists and leaving one lane for vehicle traffic, a la Prospect Park. The plan also calls for the installation of plastic posts that would create a physical barrier between cyclists and pedestrians; at a Central Park Precinct Community Council meeting earlier this month, attendees noted rising tension between cyclists and pedestrians, particularly joggers, when it came to hogging the non-vehicle lane.
The plan even appeals to Central Park's anti-car advocates; Transportation Alternatives said in a statement, "Parks are for people and that's why we've long supported a car-free Central Park. However, in the meantime, separate spaces could help. It's a proven fact that separate spaces for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers keep everyone out of each other's way and out of harm's way." The DOT plans to begin the redesign in October.
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By Rebecca Fishbein in News on September 29, 2012 3:20 PM
Like Prospect Park? How is that plan working out? Irresponsible and selfish bicyclists and runners care little about sharing space. With a single lane of car traffic there is now less of a buffer between cold steel and soft flesh. No room to maneuver. I think it increases the risk for all.